Mustard and Dill Sauce / Sås Senap & Dill (Gravad Lax Sauce)

This sweet and savory sauce is commonly served with gravad lax (raw salmon cured in salt and sugar), but of course it is great with any type of cooked fish, shrimp, or even crab as well. It wouldn’t be bad with some grilled ham, pork sausages, or drizzled over a salad either. It’s often sold ready-made in little jars, but it’s so easy to quickly whip up a batch at home – you probably already have all of the ingredients in your kitchen!


The suggested tablespoon of wholegrain mustard is mostly for aesthetic reasons and only a little bit for textural reasons (I like the slight popping sensation of the mustard seeds), so if you can’t be bothered just make it 3 with tablespoons of Dijon instead. Simply combine the mustard, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and sunflower oil in a food processor until it’s got a mayonnaise like consistency (this should only take about 30 seconds) and stir in some chopped fresh dill and voilà!


Mustard and Dill Sauce / Sås Senap & Dill (Gravad Lax Sauce)

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This sweet and savory sauce is commonly served with gravad lax (raw salmon cured in salt and sugar), but it is great with any type of cooked fish, shrimp, or even crab as well. It wouldn’t be bad with some grilled ham, pork sausages, or drizzled over a salad either.
  • Difficulty:Easy
  • Prep Time:2 mins
  • Cook Time:5 mins
  • Serves:6
  • Freezable:No

Nutrition per portion

  • 2 tablespoons Dijon Mustard
  • 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard (or substitute with another tablespoon of Dijon)
  • 2 tablespoons light brown caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar, or malt vinegar
  • Pinch of white pepper
  • Pinch of salt
  • 120ml sunflower oil
  • 20g fresh dill, stalks removed and finely chopped
  1. Combine all ingredients listed in a food processor, or bowl except for the sunflower oil and chopped dill.
  2. Turn on the food processor and slowly pour in the oil, or slowly pour the oil into the bowl while whisking vigorously.
  3. When the sauce becomes slightly glossy and has attained a cream-like consistency (should only take about 30 seconds) stir in the finely chopped fresh dill.
The sauce can be kept in an airtight container for 3 days.  

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