To make quince paste, pureed quince is cooked with lots of sugar until the fruit forms a thick paste the color of which can range from golden-yellow, to vibrant pink,…
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Porchetta (Italian Pork Roast)
Ahhh Porchetta. This Italian version of a pork roast, with its crispy bubbly crackling, juicy fatty meat and herb stuffing is just divine! Eat it sliced onto a soft, white…
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Chicken Liver with Mushrooms on Toast
How does a hearty fry-up of well-browned (yet succulent and creamy) chicken livers with mushrooms and a creamy, onion-y sweet sauce scooped onto thick slices of buttered toast sound like…
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Pumpkin Hummus
This delicious creamy pumpkin hummus is perfect for the coming Holidays and darker autumn and winter weeks – It’s a bit more vibrant, a little toastier and slightly sweeter (with…
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