Salsify seems to be a forgotten vegetable that used to be popular, but hardly ever can be found at regular supermarkets and farmer’s markets nowadays. Occasionally, you can find these…
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Dutch Brown Bean Soup with Sausage / Bruine Bonensoep met Worst
Legumes and legume-based soups such as this bruine bonensoep and snert (green split pea soup, here), are a real Dutch dietary winter staple. Bruine bonensoep, simply meaning brown bean soup,…
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Spicy Sweet Corn Soup with Coconut Milk
This spicy corn and coconut milk soup makes the most of summer’s flavourful sweet corn and it is light and fresh enough to be eaten on a hot summer’s day,…
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Dutch Tomato Soup with Little Meatballs / Tomatensoep met Balletjes
My tomato soup here is made with a homemade vegetable stock, lots of summer tomatoes, a few other vegetables such as celery and carrot, plus those little meatballs, made with…
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Homemade Vegetable Stock
A fine vegetable stock is the foundation of many tasty dishes. This vegetable-based liquid made with lots of vegetables and herbs can add a depth of flavour to soups, stews,…
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Parmesan Rind Broth / Brodo di Parmigiano Reggiano
It’s obvious why this cheese was crowned a “king”: it is an umami-lover’s and cook’s 'dream food' with its pungent salty flavor and crumbly granular texture! We like to shave…
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Shellfish Stock
This homemade shellfish stock is better than anything you can buy in the store and it is great to use for seafood stews, seafood risotto, chowders, sauces, paella, and many…
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Dutch Split Pea Soup / Hollandse Erwtensoep (Snert)
This authentic Dutch split pea soup, also known as erwtensoep, or snert, is typically made from dried green split peas (not fresh green peas!), lots of winter-y (root) vegetables, and…
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Simple Homemade Fish Stock
While perhaps not as popular as chicken stock, or vegetable stock, fish stock, or the more concentrated version ‘fish fumet’, forms the basis of quite a few dishes, particularly seafood…
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Roasted Pumpkin Soup (Vegan/Plant-Based)
This pumpkin soup here is the one for me: the pumpkin is oven-roasted until slightly caramelized at the edges and sides for about 45 minutes, which adds a nice toasty…
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Fish and Seafood Soup
My version of fish and seafood soup is largely based on those soups from the Mediterranean region that are known for using generous portions of delicate pieces of fresh fish,…
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Magiritsa / Μαγειρίτσα (Greek Lamb Pluck Soup for Easter)
Magiritsa is a traditional Greek lamb soup that is usually prepared on Holy Saturday (the day before Easter Sunday) and consumed immediately after the midnight Divine Liturgy. The dish is…
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Gida Vrasti / Γίδα Βραστή (Greek Stewed Goat Soup)
This hearty Greek goat soup (or is it a stew?) is definitely a dish that can get you through the cold winter days! It’s full of flavor, slightly fatty and…
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Barley and Kale Soup (With Bacon and Parmesan Cheese)
There is nothing like a bowl of hot soup on a freezing cold evening, or dark and dreary day. This barley soup is extremely comforting and pretty healthy with loads…
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Prawn and Fennel Bisque
My seafood soup, I mean bisque, is rich in flavours drawn from all parts of the prawns, including the meat, the shells, and most importantly: the prawn heads and a…
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Areti’s γιαγιά’s Magiritsa / Μαγειρίτσα (Greek Easter Lamb Soup)
Magiritsa is a traditional Greek lamb soup made with offal removed from the whole roasted lamb that’s usually served as Easter lunch/dinner. This dish, like many other offal-dishes like it,…
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Venus Clam Soup with Garlic and Ginger
I’ve been in Greece for some time now (two years, on and off) and I’ve been enjoying the vast array of fish and seafood tremendously. From huge octopi hung out…
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