Random Recipes

Having trouble deciding what to cook? Or just like to be surprised? On this page you will find a random selection of recipes that will hopefully help you out! Recipes will be randomly selected each time you refresh the page.

Hachee / Dutch Beef and Onion Stew

Hachée is a traditional stew made with meat and vegetables. In the Netherlands, the most common version of this stew is usually made with beef, onions, vinegar, spices such as clove and bay leaf, and, occasionally, a slice of breakfast cake known as ontbijtkoek and/or apple butter. The thick, gravy-like stew is often served with potatoes on the side – either fried, boiled, or mashed – and a scoop of boiled red cabbage with apples (rode kool met appeltjes). For the Dutch, this is one of the ultimate dishes to make it through the cold, dark winter days.

Portobello Mushroom ‘Burgers’ with Crispy Onions and Miso Mayonnaise

This vegetarian Portobello mushroom burger with crispy onions and miso mayonnaise is definitely a frequently seen ‘guest’ at our dinner table and I actually enjoy it a lot more than most beef burgers out there.

Green Couscous Salad with Herbs and Pistachios

I have been making this simple and refreshing couscous salad with toasty pistachios, sweet sultanas, lots of green herbs, peppery arugula and a refreshing lemon and oil ‘dressing’ for years now. I think a former housemate found a recipe like it in a magazine once (can’t really remember which magazine – could’ve easily been on one of those ‘meal suggestion’-cards you can find at the supermarket) years ago during our final year of getting our bachelor’s degree and I’ve been basically making variations on it ever since.